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Arkivi i Lëvizjes LGBTI+ në Kosovë
Drag Bingo Night is here!
Get ready for a night of fun, flair, and fabulous prizes at Drag Bingo Night hosted by CEL Kosova at Bubble! With plenty of laughs, good vibes, and amazing prizes to be won, this is the perfect opportunity to let your hair down, embrace ...
At Queer Talks, Blert Morina and Lend Mustafa
Blert Morina and Lend Mustafa informed us all about hormone therapy for transgender individuals in Kosovo. At Queer Talks, Blert and Lend also talked about the support they provide to young transgender people who want to learn more about...
Drag Bingo Night, truly amazing!
Our inaugural Drag Bingo Night was nothing short of spectacular! Dazzling performances, hilarious banter, and endless fun filled the night.We’re thrilled with the fantastic atmosphere at last night’s Drag Bingo Night, organiz...
Report Launched and Debate Held on Hate Speech in Social Media
Hate speech on social media is harming LGBTQ+ communities, and someone needs to be held accountable and create protective mechanisms! A powerful debate was held last night in the capital, organized by CEL Kosovo, following the publicatio...
The Annual School of Comparative Gender and Sexuality Studies has concluded its tenth edition!
The Annual School of Comparative Gender and Sexuality Studies has concluded its tenth edition! After seven lectures by local and international professors, and numerous discussions among about 30 students who participated in the School, a...
The exhibition ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ opened amidst strong emotions
Rooms 617, 618, and 619 of the Grand Hotel in Prishtina are weighed down by brokenness. The same applies to the objects, people, emotions, beds, and televisions—silent witnesses. The hotel of impossible loves is just that: melancholic. T...
An Exceptional Public Program at Our Annual School!
An Exceptional Public Program at Our Annual School! Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the Annual School of Comparative Studies in Gender and Sexuality. From December 4–10, lectures by local and international intellectuals and scho...
Five in-depth studies presented at the University of Pristina!
This week, before a crowd of students and professors, we presented research conducted by University of Prishtina students on topics exploring queer identities in Kosovo. We are delighted that five in-depth studies, mentored by University...
Public presentation of the research papers conducted by the scholarship students of the University of Prishtina
CEL Kosova kindly invites you to the public presentation of the research papers conducted by the scholarship students of the University of Prishtina. The presentation will be held on December 2nd, at 10:00 AM, in the Amphitheater of the ...
Report Published and Panel Held on Gender-Based Violence Against LGBTIQ+ Communities in Kosovo
We have published the report on gender-based violence against LGBTIQ+ communities in Kosovo for 2023–2024. Authored by Liri Kuçi, this report sheds light on the violence faced by LGBTIQ+ individuals in Kosovo, highlighting the urgent nee...
‘Heartbreak Hotel’ opens up on the 6th of December
We have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Heartbreak Hotel, curated by Bjeshkë Guri and Simon Kurti at the Grand Hotel Prishtina on the 6th of December at 19:00.From ancient times, heartbreak has been interprete...
Vesa Neziri electrified Girls Night!
‘Isn’t she lovely’? Yes, she is. Vesa Neziri electrified Bubble, at the next event of the Girls Night cycle from CEL Kosova. This activity is supported by the German Embassy Pristina and the Embassy of Sweden in Pristina.
Successful Workshop on Access to Justice and Activism
CEL Kosovo held a successful workshop on Access to Justice and Activism, bringing together professionals and activists. Participants gained profound knowledge about their rights and effective ways to protect them. This workshop was anoth...
Girls Night Out with great vibes and Vesa Neziri!
Girls Night Out with great vibes and Vesa Neziri! CEL Kosovo invites everyone to our next event, Thursday, November 21st. Join us at Bubble to enjoy Vesa’s voice and the songs she will perform with her band. Every day is a good day...
‘Romeo & Romeo’ expressed deep emotions via theatrical magic
“Romeo & Romeo” served as a vessel for expressing deep emotions about an artistic endeavor that delves into the complexities of love, exploring its journey through challenging circumstances within a society often ill-equi...
Rina Krasniqi Opens Up About Her Journey at QUEER TALKS
Actress Rina Krasniqi shared her story of successes and failures at QUEER TALKS, organized by CEL Kosovo. From the most personal parts of her life to the challenges of roles that require great precision, Rina brought it all to the stage....
An amazing pottery workshop!
The pottery workshop was a relaxing and therapeutic experience for participants. Guided by a skilled pottery professional, 19 attendees learned the fundamentals of pottery making while immersing themselves in a calming atmosphere. The wo...
Make-up just got better! Another successful training with Sellma’s studio
Sellma Kasumoviq’s studio, in collaboration with CEL Kosovo, has successfully trained a new cohort of makeup artists. The intensive six-day workshop, held from September 16th to 21st, equipped participants with the skills to create...
Queer TV – Next News Edition
For only 179.99 Euros, become (or buy) HOMO! Përparim Rama obviously remains shy. Labinota continues to be surrounded by her homophobes. One of Prishtina’s square, a Pride Square? These are just some of the queer news for this next marve...
Stand Up Comedy, a night full of emotions
🔥 Friday, July 5th found us in a crowd! Hajat Toçilla, with intellect and finesse, brought her stand-up comedy, accompanied by our iconic Brianka in a drag show and Erleta as the DJ who makes you forget your worries and keeps you from c...
Girl’s Night – Lesbian Visibility Day
Girl’s Night – Lesbian Visibility Day To mark this day, we organized the last edition of Girl’s Night together with three activists, Rajmonda Sylbije, Arlinda Morina and Adelina Berisha, on the topic “Women’...
Stand-Up Comedy
A stand-up session was held which served as a gathering for queer people and allies. Notable contributors to the event were the drag queens – Queen Maggy, Sultana Turkan and Miss Fenix – who with their satire addressed variou...
Let’s Watch It – ‘Prayers for Bobby’
On February 15, we gathered at the YIHR Hub to screen the film ‘Prayers for Bobby’. This very emotional film is based on the life of Bobby Griffith, a young gay boy and his mother Mary Griffith. The film shows Bobby’s c...
Summary of a decade of CEL Kosovo
Gratitude fills our hearts as we reflect on a decade of unwavering support and advocacy. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey at the Center for Equality and Freedom for LGBTI Persons – CEL KOSOVA. Your dedication ...
Celebration of the 10th anniversary of CEL Kosovo
Moments from celebrating a decade of love, strength and work. A journey of resilience and embracing our true selves. On December 15, 2023, on the premises of Bubble Pub, together with our activists, partners and allies, we reflected on t...
Queer TV
The sharing of personal and intimate stories within the family in television stories has become a normality in the television industry, still representing a conservative concept of the family, with defined roles within the family and sep...
Queer TV
The sharing of personal and intimate stories within the family in television stories has become a normality in the television industry, still representing a conservative concept of the family, with defined roles within the family and sep...
Discussion: Trans women are women
The discussion “Trans women are women” aimed raising awareness, promoting advocacy efforts and exchanging knowledge on the situation of trans women in Kosovo. The discussion panelists were Barbie, Viki and Qerkica, three tran...
Poetic afternoon “Even with rhyme, even without rhyme”
In the poetic afternoon, queer Albanian poems were performed and then an open mic for all those who wanted to share their poems. The poets who shared their queer poems were Arbër Selmani, Agon Rexhepi and Agnesa Qerimi.
Discussion: Mental health of LGBTQI+ people
The discussion addressed the mental health of LGBTQI+ people and the most common problems they face. It also discussed ways of self-care for the community within toxic families, which was an open discussion with the participants. Speaker...
Exhibition and conversation with artists “I Find my home, when I get out of home”
The exhibition “I Find my home, when I get out of home” displayed the artistic works of three local artists, Leart Rama, Besfort Syla and Atdhe Behluli. The concept behind the exhibition was: “Duality is nothing new in LGBTQI...
Street Action “We’re in the state, We’re in the Family”
The street action brought stories of the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ people. These stories of self-acceptance showed the resistance that LGBTQI+ people have in a country where society and family are inherently heteronormative and patriar...
Conference “Acceptance and legal recognition of LGBTQI+ persons”
The conference “Acceptance and legal recognition of LGBTQI+ persons” dealt with the issue of acceptance of LGBTQI+ children into the family, the violence they face and the problem of (not) including same-sex marriage in the C...
“Let’s Pride” Event
The Let’s Pride event brought LGBTQI+ people, allies and various stakeholders together in a warm and comfortable environment to celebrate the diversity of LGBTQI+ people. The opening words were given by the deputy of the Assembly o...
Official Opening of Pride Week 2022
Pride Week was officially opened on 06.06.2022 in the Kosovo Government Building under the patronage of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination – Office of the Prime Minister. In su...
Panel discussion “Trans Women are Women!”
Within the 16 Days of Activism,was held the panel discussion “Trans Women are Women!”. For a brighter future, without violence against women and girls, we are marking the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violenc...
Theatrical play “I Am a Woman” / “I am a woman myself”
The show “I am a woman myself” brings us the story of the very difficult life of a German transgender person – Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived the Nazi regime and the Stasi. In the show directed by Kushtrim Koliq,...
Exhibition “Flower, Don’t Forget Me”
Autostrada Biennale, in its third edition, together with the fifth edition of the Pride Week in Kosovo, in cooperation with the National Library of Kosovo “Pjeter Bogdani” and Manifesta 14 Prishtina, presented today the artis...
Discussion: Mental Health in Pandemic Conditions
The discussion on mental health addressed the issue of emotional well-being and the impact the pandemic has had on the lives of LGBTI+ people. During the discussion, the presentation and distribution of the pocket book (self-help kit) wi...
Balkan Ballroom
Cultural nights like Balkan Ballroom are a revolutionary tradition of the LGBTI movement. The music of Mikey (Berlin), Gent (KS) and the performances of drag queens and kings brought us together this time to celebrate diversity, love, an...
The performance “Are you a girl or a boy!?”
With the performance “Are you a girl or a boy?!”, through music, stories and stage movements we experienced together the love, intrigue, hatred and pain experienced by the LGBTI+ community from others who think that being dif...
Movie night: “Holy Mess”
The film “Holy Mess” tells the story of a gay couple and their relations with their homophobic families who meet for the first time during the Christmas holiday. The opening of the event was made by the Ambassador of Sweden i...
Discussion: Lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer women in the LGBTI+ movement
The discussion unfolded the experience of lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer women with activism and social reality.
Conference: “Civil Code and Inclusion: Same-Sex Marriages”
Through the Conference “Civil Code and Inclusion: Same-Sex Marriages”, two panels addressed the institutional approach related to the draft Civil Code and the international perspective regarding the right to same-sex marriage...
The “Let’s Pride” event brought together LGBTIQ+ people, supporters and various stakeholders in a warm and comfortable environment to celebrate diversity. The event was accompanied by an exhibition, music and the public...
Pride Week has officially opened in the government building under the patronage of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination – Prime Minister’s Office. The President of Kosovo, ...
Pride Parade 2020
Although in very difficult conditions and with greater challenges, the Pride Parade was held under the slogan I DO, to demand equal rights and opportunities. This year we found a way to be visible and address our demands for all LGBTI+ p...
Opening of “Mos” Exhibition
“Mos” is an exhibition made by young contemporary artists Norë Potera & Ardhmëria Bregovina, and it includes several arts disciplines, starting from storytelling, video documentary, paintings, and installation. The exhibi...
Trivia Quiz
Various activists who were present in Pristina to support Pride Week took part in the Trivia quiz. The purpose of this quiz was networking between local and regional activists.
Panel discussion “LGBT communities – How was it?; How is it?; and How will it be?”
A panel discussion was held on the topic “LGBT Community – How was it?; How is it?; and How will it be?”. In this panel participated: Rina Braimi from CEL, Agim Margilaj from CSGD, and Liridon Veliu from QESh. This was ...
LGBT people continue to face great difficulties
After the presentation of the current situation for LGBT people in our society and the difficulties faced by this community, Rajmonda Sylbije, Executive Director of the Center for Equality and Freedom (CEL Kosova) opened the debate that ...
Discussion: Trans women are women
The discussion “Trans women are women” aimed raising awareness, promoting advocacy efforts and exchanging knowledge on the situation of trans women in Kosovo. The discussion panelists were Barbie, Viki and Qerkica, three tran...
Poetic afternoon “Even with rhyme, even without rhyme”
In the poetic afternoon, queer Albanian poems were performed and then an open mic for all those who wanted to share their poems. The poets who shared their queer poems were Arbër Selmani, Agon Rexhepi and Agnesa Qerimi.
Discussion: Mental health of LGBTQI+ people
The discussion addressed the mental health of LGBTQI+ people and the most common problems they face. It also discussed ways of self-care for the community within toxic families, which was an open discussion with the participants. Speaker...
Exhibition and conversation with artists “I Find my home, when I get out of home”
The exhibition “I Find my home, when I get out of home” displayed the artistic works of three local artists, Leart Rama, Besfort Syla and Atdhe Behluli. The concept behind the exhibition was: “Duality is nothing new in LGBTQI...
Street Action “We’re in the state, We’re in the Family”
The street action brought stories of the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ people. These stories of self-acceptance showed the resistance that LGBTQI+ people have in a country where society and family are inherently heteronormative and patriar...
Conference “Acceptance and legal recognition of LGBTQI+ persons”
The conference “Acceptance and legal recognition of LGBTQI+ persons” dealt with the issue of acceptance of LGBTQI+ children into the family, the violence they face and the problem of (not) including same-sex marriage in the C...
“Let’s Pride” Event
The Let’s Pride event brought LGBTQI+ people, allies and various stakeholders together in a warm and comfortable environment to celebrate the diversity of LGBTQI+ people. The opening words were given by the deputy of the Assembly o...
Official Opening of Pride Week 2022
Pride Week was officially opened on 06.06.2022 in the Kosovo Government Building under the patronage of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination – Office of the Prime Minister. In su...
Panel discussion “Trans Women are Women!”
Within the 16 Days of Activism,was held the panel discussion “Trans Women are Women!”. For a brighter future, without violence against women and girls, we are marking the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violenc...
Theatrical play “I Am a Woman”
The show “I am a woman myself” brings us the story of the very difficult life of a German transgender person – Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived the Nazi regime and the Stasi. In the show directed by Kushtrim Koliq,...
Exhibition “Flower, Don’t Forget Me”
Autostrada Biennale, in its third edition, together with the fifth edition of the Pride Week in Kosovo, in cooperation with the National Library of Kosovo “Pjeter Bogdani” and Manifesta 14 Prishtina, presented today the artis...
Discussion: Mental Health in Pandemic Conditions
The discussion on mental health addressed the issue of emotional well-being and the impact the pandemic has had on the lives of LGBTI+ people. During the discussion, the presentation and distribution of the pocket book (self-help kit) wi...
Balkan Ballroom
Netët kulturore si Balkan Ballroom janë traditë revolucionare e levizjes LGBTI. Muzika e Mikey (Berlin), Gent (KS) dhe performancat e mbretëreshave dhe mbretit Drag na bashkuan edhe këtë herë, për të festuar diversitetin, dashurinë,...
The performance “Are you a girl or a boy!?”
With the performance “Are you a girl or a boy?!”, through music, stories and stage movements we experienced together the love, intrigue, hatred and pain experienced by the LGBTI+ community from others who think that being dif...
Movie night: “Holy Mess”
The film “Holy Mess” tells the story of a gay couple and their relations with their homophobic families who meet for the first time during the Christmas holiday. The opening of the event was made by the Ambassador of Sweden i...
Discussion: Lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer women in the LGBTI+ movement
The discussion unfolded the experience of lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer women with activism and social reality.
Conference: “Civil Code and Inclusion: Same-Sex Marriages”
Through the Conference “Civil Code and Inclusion: Same-Sex Marriages”, two panels addressed the institutional approach related to the draft Civil Code and the international perspective regarding the right to same-sex marriage...
Eventi “Let’s Pride”
Eventi “Let’s Pride” ka bashkuar personat LGBTIQ+, mbështetësit dhe palët e ndryshme të interesit në një mjedis të ngrohtë dhe të rehatshëm për ta festuar diversitetin. Eventi është shoqëruar me ekspozitë, muzikë dhe publikimin e “Kush t...
Pride Week has officially opened in the government building under the patronage of the Office for Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination – Prime Minister’s Office. The President of Kosovo, ...
Pride Parade 2020
Although in very difficult conditions and with greater challenges, the Pride Parade was held under the slogan I DO, to demand equal rights and opportunities. This year we found a way to be visible and address our demands for all LGBTI+ p...
Opening of the mural “Escape From Isolation”
“Escape from Isolation” is a project organized by activist Doruntina Maliqi. The project is realized through a large mural (wall painting) at the House of Culture “Isa Kastrati” in the city of Kamenica. The painted bird symbolizes freedo...
Audio-visual performance “I Am Breaking My Heart”
“I Am Breaking My Heart” is a project made from young artist and activist Leart Rama. He had been working on this project for two years, analyzing people’s faces and emotions. He perfectly combined videos, visual effects, and audio effec...
Opening of “Mos” Exhibition
“Mos” is an exhibition made of young contemporary artists Norë Potera & Ardhmëria Bregovina, and it includes several arts disciplines, starting from storytelling, video documentary, paintings, and installation. The exhibition focuses...
Opening of “Base” Exhibition
“Base” is a project from young activist Drilon Gashi. It started as a two days workshop with youth participants from the city of Lipjan, where they could learn and discuss together about gender stereotypes. After exchanging ideas and get...
Opening of “Behind Closet Doors” Exhibition
“All for Love” is project organized by young activist Erëblina Vata, with the main topic on LGBTQ+ persons position in Kosovo’s society. The highlight of the project was the exhibition “Behind Closet Doors” that was opened in the Gallery...
Short Movie Screening “Kosova Trans”
Kosova-Trans is a short documentary film about a local 18 years old transgender woman, which was screened at TermoKiss. The documentary mainly focuses on the struggles of a young transgender woman facing the harassment and stigma in a co...
Trivia Quiz
Various activists who were present in Pristina to support Pride Week took part in the Trivia quiz. The purpose of this quiz was networking between local and regional activists.
Publication of Manual for Journalists Covering the LGBTI Community
This manual aims to serve as a practical, informative and educational guide for journalists and editors across the media spectrum, who are interested in conducting accurate and ethically-driven reporting, and in offering qualitative and ...
Publication of Manual for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals
The purpose of this manual is to inform mental health professionals about significant clinical issues that arise when working with TGNC individuals. This manual is not a rigid set of guidelines or standards for care and does not in any w...
Screening of the movie: “Moonlight”
Moonlight is a 2016 American coming-of-age drama film written and directed by Barry Jenkins, based on Tarell Alvin McCraney’s unpublished semi-autobiographical play In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue. The film presents three stages in the...
Opening of “TransBalkan Exhibition” – Author: Aleksandar Crnogorac
TransBalkan is a documentary photographic project focusing on the trans community in the Balkan region, south-eastern Europe. The author has traveled to most of the ex Yugoslav republics, and along the way has met over 30 people whom he ...
Conference “Legislation: Used and Lost Opportunities”
This conference reflected the work of institutions dealing with LGBTI issues over the past year. This conference focused on three main issues: Civil Code, Legal Gender Recognition and Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo. To cover the...
Opening of Pride Week 2019 – Whomever Your Heart Beats For
The reception at the government building officially marked the opening of Pride Week. The event was attended by key stakeholders of the institutions and participants from civil society.
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT 2019)
As in previous years, this year we marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17th and was held the Conference with the motto “Constitutional and Equal Rights of LGBTI persons” In this conference was discussed...
Conference ‘Institutional engagement on LGBTI community’
CEL organized the conference: ‘Institutional engagement on LGBTI community’ and the purpose of the conference was to promote the debate on the LGBTI-issue and to encourage dialogue between the country’s institutions and...
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT 2018)
This year also marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia with various activities.On May 17th at Mother Teresa Square, together with CSGD, we opened the exhibition “WHY WHY …” which featured comment...
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT 2017)
LGBTI Community Rights Organizations in Kosovo, CSGD, Cel Kosovo and QESh held a press conference to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
Panel discussion with activists from regional states
Panel discussion with activists from the countries of the region: Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, as well as with the Amsterdam parade organizer.The theme of this panel was “The situation of the LGBTI community in the countries they ...
Meeting with the LGBTI Community Rights Advisory and Coordination Group
A meeting was held with the LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) rights advisory and coordination group at the Hotel “Sirius” – Prishtina. Also at this meeting, CSGD and CEL Kosovo presented the research “...
Promotion of the book “LGBT Movement”
The book “LGBT Movement” published by the Center for Freedom and Equality of the LGBT Community in Kosovo (CEL Kosovo) was promoted. This is the first book of its kind published in Kosovo. Libri ka përmbajtje informative për ...
Introducing the “Handbook of Psychological Practice with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients”
“Handbook of Psychological Practice with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients”; published by the Center for Freedom and Equality of the LGBT Community in Kosovo (CEL Kosovo), was presented at the “Orion-Conference Center&...
Panel discussion “LGBT communities – How was it?; How is it?; and How will it be?”
A panel discussion was held on the topic “LGBT Community – How was it?; How is it?; and How will it be?”. In this panel participated: Rina Braimi from CEL, Agim Margilaj from CSGD, and Liridon Veliu from QESh. This was ...
Presentation of the report “Social Protection and Access to Health Care for Transgender People in Kosovo”
#ERAC Presentation of the report “Social Protection and Access to Health Care for Transgender People in Kosovo”
40 Washington Square S
LGBT people continue to face great difficulties
After the presentation of the current situation for LGBT people in our society and the difficulties faced by this community, Rajmonda Sylbije, Executive Director of the Center for Equality and Freedom (CEL Kosova) opened the debate that ...
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