Arkivi i Lëvizjes LGBTI+ në Kosovë


Përmes koleksionit libraria lehtësohet kërkimi studimor mbi çështjet LGBTI+. Në këtë koleksion janë grumbulluar hulumtime, raporte e analiza mbi çështjet queer në Kosovë. Për secilin libër që nuk është online, apo për arsye të ndryshme nuk e posedojmë, do të informoheni tek kolona “abstrakti” se ku mund ta bleni apo ta gjeni. Për qasje në vitin që ju intereson, ju mund të shtypni vitin përkatës dhe do të shfaqen titujt e librave, autorët, botuesit, abstrakti dhe “burimi” që është qasja në materialin e kërkuar. Ky koleksion përmban edhe artikuj me tema queer të shkëputura nga botimet të formatit libër.

2013 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:Freedom and Protection for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexualsand Transgender in Kosovo
BOTUES: YIHR - Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo
ABSTRAKTI: The overall findings of the research suggest that there is a low level of awareness about the specific issues that concern the LGBT community. Moreover, despite high prevalence of abuse, very few of the said abuses are reported to the relevant authorities and not all are followed up. To that end, the recommendations call for a more proactive role of the state in promotion of equal treatment and raising awareness among public officials of their responsibility to enforce the applicable legislation in Kosovo.
2014 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:HIV Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance Surveys – Kosovo, 2014
ABSTRAKTI: This report presents findings from the third round of the integrated behavioral and biological surveillance (IBBS) surveys among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Prishtina and Prizren, and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Prishtina conducted in July, August and September of 2014. The primary objective of these surveys was to provide information on the prevalence of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections and associated risk factors to inform programmatic and policy responses and provide a time point for monitoring epidemic trends.
2016 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:Annual Report 2016 – Reflection on LGBTI Rights in Kosovo
BOTUES: CEL - Center for Equality and Liberty & CSGD - Center for Social Group Development
ABSTRAKTI: The report begins with an overview of the legal and institutional framework relevant to LGBTI rights in Kosovo, following up with summary of actions taken by the civil society organizations, and concludes with a brief description of the cases ocurred during the reporting year.
TITULLI:Case Study: The Treatment of LGBTI cases by Kosovo’s Justice System
BOTUES: CSGD - Center for Social Group Development
ABSTRAKTI: Kosovo’s Constitution and legal framework provide a good basis for protection of LGBTI persons. However, lack of implementation and the lack of clear definitions of crimes hinders this protection. Persons belonging to LGBTI community in Kosovo face homophobia, discrimination, verbal and physical attacks which leads to stigmatization and isolation. More often than not, verbal and physical attack cases are not reported to law enforcement authorities. This happens either as a result of fear of retaliation, fear of exposure, or fear of no proper investigation and treatment of the case by law enforcement authorities. To date, there were numerous reported cases and incidents, but they either did not end up in Court for lack of proper investigations or were not concluded with a final court ruling on the case.
TITULLI:Experiences of the LGBT Community: A Survey of the LGBT Community in Kosovo
AUTOR: Liridon Veliu, Vlora Krasniqi, Myrvete Bajrami
BOTUES: QESh - Qendra për Emancipim Shoqëror
ABSTRAKTI: The study provides important insights into the violence, discrimination, and harassment experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community (LGBT) in Kosovo. It is very important to take into consideration that this report might also serve as a tool for other LGBT organizations, civil society organizations in general, and the government of Kosovo on how to best address LGBT issues.
TITULLI:Mbrojtja sociale dhe qasja në kujdesin shëndësor për personat transgjinorë në Kosovë
AUTOR: Hulumtues: Natyra Avdiu
BOTUES: ERAC - Koalicioni i të drejtave të barabarta për të gjithë
ABSTRAKTI: Gjatë viteve të fundit janë shpërfaqur vështirësitë e komunitetit LGBTI dhe problemet me të cilat përballen pjesëtarët e këtij komuniteti janë duke u diskutuar më hapur. Personat transgjinorë janë vetëm një pjesë e këtij komuniteti dhe për shkak të mungesës së njohurive ata mbesin individë që keqkuptohen nga të tjerët dhe ka të ngjarë të përballen me diskriminim në sfera të ndryshme të jetës.
2018 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:Avancimi i të drejtave LGBTI duke ndërtuar kapacitetet e nëpunësve publik
BOTUES: ERAC - Koalicioni i të drejtave të barabarta për të gjithë
ABSTRAKTI: Mbrojtja e avancuar ligjore e të drejtave të njeriut shpesh nuk kthehet në praktikë. Ky vlen veçanërisht në rastet për komunitetet në nevojëtë cilët, përveç që kanë të bëjnë me këtë mungesë sundimi të ligjit, përballen me refuzim shoqëror. Duke buruar nga vlerat tradicionale të shoqërisë, stigma e lidhur me komunitetin LGBTI është parë në refuzimin e të drejtave, diskriminim dhe dhunë. Kjo është e dukshme edhe në mesin e nëpunësve civil, pavarësisht nga ndeshja me detyrimet e tyre profesionale.
2021 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:Report on situation testing of discrimination against lesbians, gays, and roma women in the area of acces to goods and services and acces to housing in Kosovo
AUTOR: Marija Savic
BOTUES: KGSC - Kosovar Gender Studies Center & CSGD - Center for Social Group Development
ABSTRAKTI: Situation testing is a method for proving discrimination and the following report is representing results of using this method to show the most common forms and ways of discrimination against lesbians, gays, and Roma women in Kosovo in accessing goods, services and housing. While there is a common knowledge on discrimination based on sexual orientation and ethnicity, evidence collected during situation testing conducted in Pristina showed which of these minority groups are the most exposed to discrimination and what kind of problems the members of each of these groups are facing within their everyday life. This was realized by forming the pairs of testers and control testers who differ only in one particular protected characteristic and whose role was to investigate what is the experience of lesbians, gays, and Roma women like in common life situations, such as searching for an apartment to rent or visiting bars together with the partner/friend when that particular characteristic is visible to public. The information gathered in this way is helpful primarily for proving discrimination and its mechanisms based on sexual orientation and ethnicity, as well as for developing evidence-based advocacy strategies for the improvement of their position in Kosovo society.
2022 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:LGBTI and Politics – Advocacy Brief
BOTUES: CSGD - Center for Social Group Development
ABSTRAKTI: LGBTI in politics is an understated topic generally, and in Kosovo specifically. A topic that is hardly even mentioned in the agendas of the politicians in general and especially when it comes to regulation, promotion and advocacy of the rights of the citizen without discrimination based on the law. However, the recent debate on same-sex marriages has triggered politicians and public officials in shamelessly targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people for political gain, fueling prejudice and hate. In doing so, public officials – sometimes at the highest level – are failing in their duty to promote equal dignity and human rights for all.
2023 Chevron Icon
TITULLI:Report On Situation Testing Of Discrimination against Lesbians, Gays, and Roma Women in the Area of Access to Goods and Services in Prizren
BOTUES: CSGD - Center for Social Group Development
ABSTRAKTI: The findings of the research show that lesbian and gay couples often encounter subtle forms of discrimination when accessing goods and services in the cafe sector, telling us that the most present forms of discrimination are negative glances, whispers, invasive behavior to physical avoidance, the latter most evident in familyoriented clientele (parent child). The findings underscore that discrimination or bias is not limited to customers, but extends to employees. When it comes to Roma women, while our study did not identify clear remarks, views or direct discriminatory acts, the findings show that compared to non-Roma women, Roma women have often reported less friendly treatment by cafe staff (not greeting, ignoring, etc.). This more subtle form of exclusion or indifference contributes to feelings of isolation and marginalization of Roma women. In both cases, these experiences are indicators of microaggressions - subtle but insidious forms of discrimination that require attention and comprehensive action.
TITULLI:Annual Report 2022 – The LGBTIQ+ people and their rights in Kosovo
BOTUES: CSGD - Qendra për zhvillimin e grupeve shoqërore
ABSTRAKTI: This report will shed light on all aspects of the reality of the rights of the LGBTIQ+ people in Kosovo. It provides a comprehensive summary of the (in)actions of the relevant parties towards the promotion and protection of the LGBTIQ+ rights during 2022. It begins with an introductory situation analysis, followed by a brief legal analysis. This will highlight gaps in the legal framework and the latest developments regarding the draft Civil Code of the Republic of Kosovo, where the Family is regulated, including marriage, among other civil rights. Another piece of legislation, the Civil Status Law, is in a process of amendments. The recommendations for legal gender recognition were submitted by CSGD and CEL and approved by the working group. In the final amended draft of the Civil Status Law, the criteria for changing the sex-marker in the public registers and documents is based on selfdetermination, and no medical report or advice is required. Additionally, this report highlights and emphasizes the hate speech against LGBTIQ+ people, used by MPs of the Republic of Kosovo. Also it examines the role of the media, underlining the issue of hate speech being spread through online portals and social media.
TITULLI:Trans në Kosovë: Një histori e pa kryer
AUTOR: Lura Limani
BOTUES: Dylberizm & Lirindja
ABSTRAKTI: *** Ky botim është në shitje në Bubble Pub, Project Space (17), dhe Libraria Dukagjini.*** Ky hulumtim është përpjekje për të korigjuar një padrejtësi epistemike të mos-njohjes, duke parashtruar një ndërhyrje në historiografinë e personave LGBTIQ+ në Kosovë dhe përgjithësisht në rajon e më tej. Botimi gjurmon raportimin më të hershëm mediatic për tranzicionin e një personi trangjinor Kosovar. Misin Krasnic, në vitin 1978 dhe analizon rishfaqjen e narrativave transgjinore në mediat kosovare me daljen e hapur publike të aktivistëve Lend Mustafa dhe Blert Morina në vitet 2016 dhe 2017 si pjesëtarë të komunitetit dhe mënyrën se si kjo gjë ka ndikuar në metodat dhe fokusin e avokimit për komunitetit LGBTIQ+.