The Parliamentary Group of Vetëvendosje Movement today at 13:00 organizes a public hearing on the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Kosovo. Vetëvendosje Movement has invited professors, experts, representatives of institutions, representatives of civil society, notaries, lawyers, and some students of the Faculty of Law for this public hearing.
One of the most debated and discussed issues in public regarding the Draft Civil Code is the legal regulation of same-sex marriage/cohabitation. Surprisingly, LVV did not invite the two civil society organizations, which have been very vocal and visible on this issue, to organize a public discussion, and did not invite them to present their legitimate positions at this public hearing.
The non-involvement of civil society organizations that defend certain causes shows unequal treatment for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. Exclusion from the public hearing shows a selective and discriminatory approach of LVV in relation to human rights, which is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and the Law on Protection from Discrimination.
This means that LVV on the rights of LGBTI people and their problems have displaced them in oblivion.