CEL has organized the three-day workshop with students of social sciences. In this workshop, students of social sciences in this session had the opportunity to learn more about the current position of LGBTI people in the society, which was followed by terminology for LGBTI people and correct approach towards LGBTI people.
On the presentation, the students were exposed to the legal frame and changes of laws in Kosovo and the region in recent years. Including the anti-discriminationlaw the students were informed regarding different kinds of discrimination, intersectionality theory and how to deal with such situations.
After the informant session and presentations in theory, the workshop continued with work in groups in which, participants had the opportunity to implement projects regarding the topics elaborated preliminarily.
By the end of the workshop, the participants had the chance to reflect over privilege and lack of equal opportunities in our society while playing the energizer game “Social Positions”.
This activity is part of the project “Access to Justice for LGBTI persons in the Western Balkans”, supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.