Arkivi i Lëvizjes LGBTI+ në Kosovë

Pride Week 2023

Pride Week took place from 5 – 10 June 2023.

On its seventh edition, Pride Week focused on the mental health of LGBTIQ+ people, so that we can support everyone dealing with high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In this edition, through the slogan “I love you as you are” we wanted to convey a supportive message to everyone who is dealing with challenges of high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression that are a direct consequence of systemic homophobia and transphobia by the state, society, and the family. With “I love you as you are” we wanted to remind everyone that they are not alone. Love, acceptance, and building safe spaces, in addition to professional help, are more than necessary, if not essential, for preventing and overcoming mental health challenges.

5 qershor 18:00 - 19:00
Ndërtesa e Qeverisë së Republikës së Kosovës

Hapja zyrtare e Javës së Krenarisë 2023

Hapja zyrtare e Javës së Krenarisë bëhet nën patronimin e Zyrës për Qeverisje të Mirë, të Drejta të Njeriut, Mundësi të Barabarta dhe Kundër Diskriminimit – Zyra e Kryeministrit.   Fjalë rasti: Blert Morina...
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Pride Week 2023

Pride Week took place from 5 – 10 June 2023. On its seventh edition, Pride Week focused on the mental health of LGBTIQ+ people, so that we can support everyone dealing with high levels of stress, anxiety, depres...
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